keskiviikko 28. syyskuuta 2016

To be a young employee

A pineapple, literally what I feel like atm. I said I will not say anything about work. I lied. I am still in the mode of “smile and wave”, but inside I feel like a palhaço (clown). I am not going to lash out, but just tell you how it is hard to be dancing on roses for anyone who is considered “young” in Portugal.

After many years of taking in all kinds of comments and doings of co-employees, I consider it sufficient. I have reached a limit. And I, on the other hand will never treat anyone badly because they are younger or unexperienced. The thing is, we learn from each other. At work we are in the same boat. And you are only sinking like the Titanic if you treat people badly.
I have worked in Spain, Finland and Portugal, thus I feel entitled to open my mouth.
A light overview of what it is to be like to work in Portugal for a young adult. People who are older (as of age) than you think it is obvious that they are smarter, better and more important. This is a normal assumption, young adults entering work life or having worked only for a handful of years think it is the right of older employees to treat them as if they were somehow non-professional, unexperienced and not able to form a good opinion. Not in my case, Thank God, but for other sisters and brothers in business.
I have a friend working as a consultant, she´s about thirty years old. And guess what, her everyday struggle is to make people believe in her as a professional. She is too young.
I have been told by others that unfortunately in Portugal age is an important thing. And if there is someone younger who wishes to climb up the ladder he/she will be torn down by older employees. But that is just insane!? Will the older employee lose something because another colleague is good at what he/she does?
Also, it is noted that during your first five years of employment you are at work from morning till someone throws you out. It is because you need to be seen as a hard worker. So the amount of hours an employee spends at work is actually considered a measure for success. People say that even though they would not have ANYTHING to do, they sit in front of their computers tapping air like they had something to do? Again, that is insane!? Should we change mentality to; do your work the best you can and go home. A good way to avoid burnout and de-socialization btw.
As of myself, my work fulfills me for the time being. However, in my everyday life I face the reality of a young employee. Sometimes the bad behavior gets to me, sometimes I imagine the people actually missing the point when they are trying to make themselves important. Their loss.
On the brightside, I have the most wonderful colleagues who are super exited about all new and fresh. And they have adopted me. I like them so much I might as well go hug them right now.




lauantai 24. syyskuuta 2016

Kaalilaatikko and other Finnish food

I have been so lucky, lucky,lucky, lucky.. ok this is not a song. I have syrup. From Finland!
That can only mean one thing. Kaalilaatikkooooooooo!!

Ok, so I might be a little over excited. But I have been planning for this moment a week. The moment I am making one of my favorite dishes of all time. Btw, its cabbage casserole.. now that you know what this Finn is babbling about, you really think this girl is out of her frickin' mind.
A. Because its Saturday night and I am not getting my groove on anywhere.
B. Because nobody on planet earth can get too damn excited about cabbage casserole.
C. This girl shot a dramatic picture with the view of Martim Moniz behind the syrup bottle.

Although my IBS stomach (darn you) is always in war against the food I want to eat, I had rye bread this week. It was two slices, one on Wednesday and the other one on Thursday. One cannot get too excited you know. I topped the bread with cream cheese (another frenemy) and salmon. I also made good pancakes with berries. Delicious.

Sometimes my cravings just win the pain I suffer afterwards. So today I had remix candy. Next week I am living like I would be preparing for the Lucia contest. I think pure thoughts and eat nothing more than what my stomach can approve and might on top of this try to make a contribution to the society by leaving clothes at the homeless shelter. I could apply and be the only Lucia in Lisbon this December. I mean, I might be the youngest girl living full time here and we are only twenty anyways..

Talking about Lucia and December, I declared myself a day off for Independence day. I also might have done some video clipping.. I might (I will) publish a Tuntematon Sotilas clip or the National Anthem on our intra at work. Ha-ha, nobody has access to take it down. Its time for the Portuguese to learn about Finnish history. (Or not, but I don't care.)

Soooo, there is one note to make about Portuguese food tradition compared to the Finnish. They have so much of the same at the same time as they are so distinct.
First, the food culture is nothing too fancy, in Finland (imagine kalakukko, yäk) or in Portugal ..bifana.. dry bread and pork beef?.
Secondly, we have a dish in common. It is karjalanpaisti aka. jardineira. In Finland its known from the former Finnish territory, in Portugal its the gardeners food. And it is the same!
Thirdly, both food cultures are created by poor people. In Portugal a plate consists of rice, fries and meat. In Finland potato and meat.
Fourth, we both eat fish. Loads of it. With the slight bacalao difference and fish species.
Fifth, surprisingly we also eat berliininmunkki, here it is bolina de berlim, without the pink topping. Also our cakes are very similar. There are so many more similarities. Gosh. Only funny and surprising thing is that the Portuguese are extremely proud of their traditional foods, which are really no big culinary experience. On the bright side, Portuguese wine is an other story ;)

Im going to roll out now. Since I ate too much. To get my groove on.


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lauantai 17. syyskuuta 2016

Sweet Student Life Lisbon

I got you there, didn't I? Most universities will eat your soul.

I read somewhere (read: Marketeer) and I am not sure if I remember correctly (read: I lost the magazine) that Portugal invites about 10 000 exchange students this fall. Or invited already, since I am late to talk about this subject...

However, I said I do not write about my studies. But I write an informative text about Sweet Student Life Lisbon. I am inspired. Because I am sitting on my numb butt in the study room of my University, on a Saturday. Life is better now, after the first year. Thus, the story comes from what I have learned from co-students in various Universities.

When applying to Lisbon, you are informed about the sunny weather (last year it rained 2/3 of 9 months), the surfing (honestly, if you do not have patience to learn its not for you and you won't have time anyways), the parties (you are studying when you are supposed to be partying), school is nice (hahahhaa) and life is awesome in vintage houses (they are cold, moldy and leak). I have a sarcastic tone of voice. Since Lisbon was our (mine and everybody I knew) prison during the first year of studies.

But then life begun when summer came and Lisbon had an other vibe. It is a beautiful city with 1000000000 +3 things to do. You just need time to discover it yourself. And that happens when your nose is not in the books.

But what happened before? Studying = life. A whole weekend off? Nope. You have Skype meetings with team mates, read at the speed of light material for upcoming exams and write a PPT presentation with your toes. Time table: 8am-2am.
Then there is the vertical rain. But that is ok, because you are inside studying. But your house was constructed in the 1900th Century so your roof is leaking like a shower hose. The landlord(s) does not care as long as you pay your rent, and you have black mold. Which btw, destroys your clothes and causes severe allergic reactions.
Then you want to go out, but you cant. Since you are at school till 2am, because you need to deliver a bunch of papers. School is hard. How unfortunate that a day is only 24 hours long.

From my personal experiences, I was told I am not allowed to work during studies because I will not have time. I am a multitasker and wondered what this lady is babbling about, until school started. Farewell life.

I am giving you a sweet peace of advice. Prepare yourself mentally to study when you are in Lisbon. The study culture might be the complete opposite from what you expected or what you were used to.
Eventually you will come out as a winner: master of stress handling, master of multitasking, master of free-riding school projects, master in having no life, master in drinking coffee machine pingado... MSc in Science is what you have on the final diploma.

Please let my diploma fly (not out from the window) in future job opportunities. I am a soldier.

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torstai 15. syyskuuta 2016

O importante é chegar a horas

Its important to arrive on time
I was taught in school that “the English like to queue”. Man, you should see the Portuguese buss queue. People stand in line like tin soldiers. Each one has got approximately ½ -meter distance and the line is 200 m long! “Hajurako”, you know. We Finns like to keep our distance aka. do not come too close or we´ll dislike you. Much. So I am happy with the bus queue tradition. Especially in the morning.

School started this week. And the Portuguese transportation system has not impressed me.
(Read: I would like to kick the bus, the driver, or someone on the arse) Although, the public transportation has got very impressive advertisements hung around Lisbon with the motto: "O importante é chegar a horas" – It´s important to arrive in time, they fail to keep their promise.

The concern is articulated by a short (almost hobbit) blonde Finnish girl who is very precise with time. And when she has to walk in high heels on cobblestone road 2 km to the second bus stop she is not very happy... Nor are her blistered toes. Poor babies…
Bus number 723 is THE place to be at 7am, according to retired avós of my neighborhood. (Avó - grandma/-pa and its the same word). Every morning, same faces, nobody going to work (except me), socializing about this and that. They are too impatient to sit so they fly around the buss, mingling like crazy. YOLO. If you die, you wont die young.

Every morning for the past two weeks the bus has arrived on different times, leaving some times undone. Once I RAN to the bus stop, with my lunchbox and bag and clothes halfway on… and found the bus driver (who was supposed to leave on the very moment: NOW) sitting casually in the cafeteria close by, sipping an espresso.
I told a colleague that I am going to call the transportation company and complain. She laughed at me like it was the funnies thing I have said. Ever. 

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sunnuntai 11. syyskuuta 2016

Brunch Electronik in the park

Sunday went by trying out a recipe from Fitmencook, writing thesis (not true at all.. the wall becomes extremely interesting when its time for studying) and stomping to really good deep house with some cool peeps..

Sunday was a fun day

Clumsy as I am, I fell in the stairs some days ago and hurt my ankle. It literally looked like I had an egg underneath the skin.. and then I had to be representative at work.. which I did, minus the part that I was wearing a compression sock with a dress. "Finnish fashion" -I told everyone. 

Tomorrow I am going on a contemporary class. I am either going to look like a wounded scarecrow or something similar to a-OK. Time and ankle shows. 

Back to Sunday. (Fun day!) Brunch Electronik is the coolest Sunday event I have experienced so far! It's at the Agricultural University in the middle of nowhere, but in the city centre. The ground at the event had hay for horses and there was powdered sand in the air. The atmosphere was chilled and the music was oh so deeeeeeep, umptsumptsumpts. 

I had a wine, which after I had to pee. Logically. So I skipped happily downhill to the outhouse thingy you have at festivals. All good so far. Fancy lady, as I am, I managed to be clean in a dirty environment until my hand touched wet PEEEEEEEE. Eeeeewwwwww. No disinfecting gel around, nothing!? I walked with my hand stretched out like I had the  plague until I met a kind spirit who understood my concern and gave me some clean wipes. That hand was obviously not going to be anywhere near my face again for the rest of the night. Pee-hand. 

Back to the group of cool UG (under ground) peeps. All of them German, which of half I have not met before. Well, my name is technically German. So everybody naturally thinks I am German. And speak German to me and around me, if in a circle. Because I seem German. Tactic: smile and wave, smile and wave. 

That's it for now. Pee-hand is thoroughly disinfected and belly is full of extremely good chicken-quinoa. 

Obrigada e boa noite! 

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lauantai 10. syyskuuta 2016

Gymtastic Portugal

Sit tight folks, this is funny... for the Finns.

Ok, so it sounds like this is going to revolutionize your world. It's not. Portuguese people go to the gym, like the Finns.

During my last visit to Finland I noticed the "fit" culture. People of all ages are in very good shape. I suppose it is for "the summer". In this case, IF the sun comes out during the two Summer months Finland has got. You can never be too prepared!
Meanwhile in Portugal, where the sun has been intensive for the past four months and you practically live on the beach, people have floppy bellies and eat potato chips, cookies and other such things for lunch. A swear word for the Fit-Finland culture. If you eat a potato chip and not a goji berry. YOU TAKE IT TO THE GRAVE.

So back to the gym. Working out is fun, the people around you are fun, the place is fun. But mind me the crazy Brazilian Personal Trainer who sometimes persuades me to train with him, which after I cannot feel my legs, arms..face.. toes..fingers. Once he carried me away from training area because my legs did not respond. This is good, in his opinion... myself have severe pain and the usual, toilet seat sitting-standing issue.

To the shower. Flip-flops is a must. In Finland I have not experienced the mandatory flip-flop issue. In Portugal, you are considered a very filthy person if your bare feet touch the floor. Not even the two second rule applies. So you are very contagious if you touch the floor. Like the hot lava game when we were kids, the floor burns!
However, contrary to good old Finland, it is completely normal to depilate every single hair on your body in the shower. And leave it there. To clog the drainer. Now I see why we need flip-flops...

To the sauna. It's a common workout and stretching area. When the Finn is sitting post-workout in the sauna breathing the hot air in and sweating out the stress of the day, the Portuguese is doing push-ups and abdominals beside you..or yoga.. or drying his sweaty workout clothes. It is also common to throw a liter of water on the stones, and then sit on the lowest bench or on the floor, and casually eat a post-workout meal. Or escape the sauna altogether and leave the Finn inside. SISU.

Otherwise, I love my gym and I am willing to recommend it to anyone visiting Lisbon looking for a good workout. I can even hand you over to the Brazilian Personal Trainer.. he will make you cry for mommy.


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sunnuntai 4. syyskuuta 2016

Life of a sloth

My weekend has passed by in a blink of an eye. I am still as tired as FriYEY when I came home from work.. ahhh had a cold beer on the balcony enjoying the fresh evening air, and well... then I passed out. Of sleep, not alcohol, duh.

I do not want to wake up tomorrow at 6am. Nope, not ready to be an adult again after pretending to be a sloth all weekend. Chillen' around, drinking some Somersby and enjoying explicit company over an organic pizza and miradouro.. A miradouro is a view point. We have several in Lisbon, and they are just lovely.

The blonde is back. This weekend I managed to download 4 apps, all paid. Not learning from my previous mistake, I repeated it (as said before: blonde).. I think it is misleading though that Appstore does not show prices on products when you are using your mobile.. Then I think its free, and oh well.. you know the rest. So I downloaded: 1.Fit Men Cook 2.Deliciously Ella 3.Omvana 4.Moldiv

1. FitMenCook: My nutritionist (yes, I have one) told me its good for nutritious food. My IBS cuts back what I can eat, so I am trying to learn new combos. And also force mister SwagN to try to eat something else than caveman food every day. He is not happy about my attempt. Meat is the salad of the man. 

2.Deliciously Ella: She makes lovely food. Again, the IBS. I can't eat gluten or lactose, nor many other random things. If you want to learn to make carrot soup in a new way, check her out. Myself, cooked Pea, Broccoli and Almond soup. Ok, it looks like a witches poison, but anyway.. u got the idea.

3.omvana: I am a nervous person. That is also related to my IBS condition. Stress makes me overreact... So I downloaded a meditation app. I tried to meditate. But I ended up screaming with laughter when I was thinking of what I look like. Bit hungover, sitting crosslegged on the living room rug, swaying, hair like Einstein and my green soup splashed over my shirt.. trying to fokus.. a sight for sore eyes.

4. Moldiv: !? I wanted to edit a picture and Jesus Christ, I had to pay for it too... -.-

PS. I linked some apps, so that you are not falling for the same blonde trap as I did.

Here's a picture from the weekend though, life of a sloth

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